Hone Consulting

Sharpen Your Strategy

our industries & our services


About Hone

I founded Hone Consulting Inc. after receiving my Executive MBA from the Darden School of Business. Leading large complex teams as both a Department of Homeland Security federal executive and consultant, I recognized a gap in the market between developing the business strategy in concert with stakeholders, customers and the team executing the vision. I saw businesses and government derive terrific value from well-developed strategy and saw teams thrive when I articulated how their work traced back to the organizational strategy. Therefore, Hone Consulting helps organizations hone their business strategy and develop practical plans to implement this strategy. By including every level of the organization in this process, senior management and staff and teams understand the value of their service and are excited about their contributions. To ensure every level of the organization is functioning to meet its overall goals, I am passionate about helping new project and program managers gain the skills and emotional intelligence required to lead diverse teams and coach them on how to communicate the value of their work to clients and senior managers. Specialties: Developing business strategy, particularly in technology-focused organizations; translating business strategy into the tactical and day to day work of a workforce; coaching new program and project managers or managers who are embarking on large-scale complex endeavors. Hone Consulting Inc. is certified as a small woman-owned federal contractor.


Business Strategy Development

Is your company working in a nascent industry such as renewable energy and the latest IT advances? If so, we can help you develop your business strategy to keep up with the rapid developments.


Develop Cost Savings Models in IT and Renewable Energy

Are you looking to make a substantial change in your IT infrastructure or energy infrastructure and you want a total cost of ownership comparison of options? We will model these possibilities for you and make the best recommendations.

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Feel free to call or email to chat about your business chalenges and how we can help.

Set up a time to drop by and tell us about your business. Baked and Wired coffee and cookies is on us!

Hone Consulting

1050 30th St NW Washington, DC 20007



We work standard hours but we're always available nights and weekends if you have an urgent request.